The introduction of the Modern Slavery Act in Australia in 2018 has been hailed as a major win for human rights. The new law has had a significant impact on the country’s anti-slavery efforts and is already having a positive impact on the lives of so many in Australia and around the world. If you’re interested in learning more about the Modern Slavery Act, this article is for you.
What Is The Modern Slavery Act?
The modern slavery act Australia is a new law in Australia that tackles modern-day slavery. The legislation is designed to address the issue of human trafficking in Australia and any associated slavery or exploitation.
What Does The Modern Slavery Act Require?
The Modern Slavery Act requires organizations to report on their steps to ensure their supply chains are free of slave labor. It also demands that companies outline the steps they have taken to ensure that modern slavery is not occurring anywhere in their operations, including at their premises.
This is an excellent example of an initiative that has been designed with business owners in mind. The legislation was created with the understanding that many businesses would not be able to carry out due diligence and address slavery within their operations.
So, rather than forcing every company to investigate themselves, the Modern Slavery Act allows them to detail how they will fulfill this obligation through a third-party auditor or other means. This makes it easier for companies of all sizes and shapes to comply with the law and check off this box on their list of responsibilities as employers.
What Is The Modern Slavery Act And How Does It Work?
The Modern Slavery Act has introduced tough new penalties for businesses that commit slavery and trafficking offenses and makes it easier to identify victims of these crimes. The Act will also see the Australian government introduce a whole-of-government strategy to combat slavery and human trafficking.
The new legislation is expected to make it easier for authorities to take action on matters of exploitation, including child sexual exploitation, forced labor, and other forms of modern slavery. And because the introduction of the Act covers all territories in Australia – states, territories, and federal – it sets a new precedent for anti-slavery efforts in the country.
The Modern Slavery Act aims to protect people from being exploited by ensuring they are free from violence and abuse, while also providing appropriate support services.
What Are Some Of The Effects Of The Modern Slavery Act?
The Modern Slavery Act created new offenses, increased penalties for existing offenses, and imposed a corporate governance duty.
The most significant effect of the Modern Slavery Act is the creation of a new offense in Australia’s Criminal Code for forced marriage.
Additionally, under the Act, there are increased penalties for an existing offense in Australia’s Criminal Code that criminalizes slavery and sexual servitude.
While the Australian Government takes a zero-tolerance approach to slavery, this legislation imposes a duty on corporations to secure their supply chains from unwittingly supporting slavery. This measure is already making waves and has resulted in some major progress around the world.